You can now listen back to the reading I did with Danielle McLaughlin as part of the Dublin City Libraries reader series. In this extract, Danielle reads from the stunning title story of her collection Dinosaurs on Other Planets, and I read from Infinite Landscapes, which appeared in the BGE Book Award winning anthology The Long Gaze Back. Enjoy!
Podcast - Wild Quiet on RTÉ Arena - 31st May 2016
"As a writer, you're often playing a game of 'what if?'"
I had a great chat with Séan Rocks about my debut collection Wild Quiet. We talked about the inspiration behind some of the stories, the dangers of drawing on real life, and how I used religious iconography to add to the strangeness of the title story. We also chatted about Derry, and Séan asked about some of the autobiographical elements in 'Ebenezer's Memories.'
Photos from the launch of WILD QUIET - 25th May 2016
Wild Quiet was launched by Sinéad Gleeson in Hodges Figgis bookshop in Dublin. Thanks to everyone who came along to help launch my debut on its journey into the world.